Welcome! This page is constantly evolving with ways to support the Ukrainian people and their government. Our colleagues and our friends, for some of you, your families needs international support. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn the suggest other resources.

<aside> 📢 I’ve intentionally put financial support at the top of the page but please go down for FREE ways to support.


<aside> 💸 If you have colleagues or friends in Ukraine, Wise has removed all fees to transfer money to them through their platform. If you use my link I will give back every £75 bonus I receive to the Ukrainian Army or the GoFundMe page below. https://wise.com/invite/u/neilar


I will post every donation made here:

Donation screenshots.

Helping the Ukrainian Army please donate


Helping the Ukrainian Refugees


Donate what you can here: whttps://savelife.in.ua/en/donate/

Understand how much you can give by using this GBP to UHA converter

to give you an idea 2000 UHA is only 50 pounds.



Let’s not forget that we need journalists to be safe and journalism to be independent

Support the Kyiv Independent here:



<aside> 📰 Follow independent journalists, keep yourself informed: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/on-the-ground-in-kyiv-e2-80-94-8-of-the-best-ukraine-correspondents-to-follow-now/ar-AAUi6cV


🔊Social Media messages

Update: the EU have started to remove Russia from SWIFT. THIS WORKED👇